Product Protection Insurance For Manufacturers

The easy way to create loyal customers, reduce costs and improve margins.

New revenue stream

Open up a new revenue stream across your entire product range with product protection insurance.

Recurring revenue

Get paid every time customers purchase and renew their product protection.


Understand more about your customers purchasing behaviour.

Increase profit margins

Earn commission on insurance purchases or enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by including product protection free of charge.

Enhance your brand

Strengthen your brand with superior customer experience to cultivate long-term loyalty.

Know your customer

Gain valuable data for effective marketing, safety recalls, parts, and future upsell/cross-sell opportunities.

Keep customers in your ecosystem

With the potential to be involved in repairs and replacements when there is a claim.

Offload the service burden

Bolt Cover handles the administrative burden of insurance claims, reducing your costs and improving efficiency.

Decrease your costs

Bolt Cover helps manufacturers reduce their costs.

Reduced customer service demand

Bolt Cover takes care of all claims management & customer service.

Decrease returns
& repairs

More products stay with the customer when their products are protected.

Increase customer lifetime value

A loyal, happy customer base helps to decrease new customer acquisition costs.

Create happy customers

Customers benefit from product protection in multiple ways.

Peace of mind

Product protection eliminates the stress of potential breakdown and accidental damage.

Simple activation

Our QR code make it easy to access post-sale support and insurance registration.

Feel good sustainability

Consumers are increasingly aware of the impact of waste. Product protection ensures more products get repaired.

Easy claims process

Fast, hassle free claims process with our carefully selected best-rated partners.

How it works

Manufacturers keep a percentage of all policies sales, subscriptions and renewals.

Choose how you want to implement product protection into your offering.

Add-on offering

Product packaging

Include QR codes for product protection in your packaging.

Buy at

Customers can buy product protection when they unwrap items at home.


Boost customer satisfaction, margins & profitability.

Embedded offering

Free of

Embed product protection wherever customers purchase to increase volumes & customer satisfaction.

Pay per

You only pay for policies activated by customers, and benefit from insurance covering repair costs.

Competitive advantage

Create a strong, trust-based competitive advantage for your brand.

Frequently asked questions

  • We work with manufacturers to distribute insurance via co-branded marketing materials included with every product shipped to the UK.

  • Yes, we can cover products manufactured elsewhere, as long as they are sold to UK based customers.

  • No, our tech is free and simple to integrate.

  • Our retail and manufacturer partners earn commission on Bolt Cover policy premiums, which will vary on the type of product protection sold.

  • No, we currently can only offer insurance to UK customers.

  • It varies by the insurance product, as we carefully partner with what we believe is the strongest claims handling firm for each product category, to ensure our customers get the best service possible.

  • Sure - email us at and we'll get some examples of marketing materials over to you right away.

  • We presently provide insurance coverage for most types of furniture and will soon expand to include bikes, gadgets, and other product categories.

Book a Demo

Let us know when you are available using the link below.