You’re covered

We protect the products you buy so you can enjoy them

Our plans are designed with the coverage you actually need

Comprehensive, customer-friendly coverage - designed to minimise disruptions for you when things go wrong

How it works

Add Bolt Cover

Add Bolt Cover’s product protection via one of our retail or manufacturer partners. You’ll get instant pricing for what you’re about to buy.

Easy Access

You'll receive your policy documents via email, with easy access also available in our platform.

Making a claim

We select the best-rated claims administrators in each product category to handle your claims. You can start making a claim by selecting the product category below.

Make a claim

Select your product type to start your claim. Or contact us here if you’re not sure.


Click on the button below to start a claim with our Furniture claims partner, Castelan Group.


Click on the button below to start a claim with our Bicycle claims partner, Claims Consortium Group.

Home Appliances.

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Frequently asked questions

  • Our goal is to provide comprehensive, customer-friendly cover, that is at minimal disruption to you when something goes wrong.

  • To start a claim, simply select the product category above and follow the instructions to be connected with our expert claims handlers.

  • Not yet, but we will be adding that feature soon!

  • We partner with small retailers and manufacturers to enable them to provide great cover to their customers.

  • It varies by the insurance product, as we carefully partner with what we believe is the strongest claims handling firm for each product category, to ensure our customers get the best service possible.

  • We'll soon have a simple and easy portal where you can do this yourself. But for now, please message us at and we'll help you out.

  • We are currently able to insure most types of furniture and are soon expanding to other products, including bikes and gadgets.

  • We'll soon have a simple and easy portal where you can do this yourself. But for now, please email us at

Want To Get In Touch?

Get in touch with our team for general enquiries, customer support or to arrange a demo of our platform.

Or alternatively

Email us:

Email us for any queries, including customer support, consumer claims and anything else.

Phone us:

Contact us directly via phone. Our team are always happy to help.

02045 927 543